Friday, March 27, 2009

Jines Studios Blog

Hello All!

And welcome to the Jines Studios Blog; A site designed to promote and display the adventurous world of art & media. Just as important as the final product, are the people and places we work with along the way. Those who work within media's infinite walls, have learned that a careful marriage of experiment and strategy help bridge the gap between the artist and his audience. Often, it is a combination of imagination and intelligence that leads to a 'successful' production. There is a connection shared by producer and talent that should be celebrated and considered less as 'work'. My hope is that first and foremost, you'll enjoy the variety of activites and work I've had the fortune to take part in throughout this journey. And perhaps, create a connection between many artists who have a love for what they do and an open mind about what they have yet to discover.

Mike Jines

About Me

My photo
Huntington Beach, CA, United States
2006 B.A. in Media, University of California, San Diego. Professionally working in Film/Video/Live since 2004.