Thursday, January 28, 2010

What's been catching my eyes/ears lately?

Here's three videos I found through some searches and some help from friends that should freshen things up for you. Kid Cudi has a style of music that everyone should consider as an everyday listen. And better yet, his videos match his cleanly delivery as well. Check em out!
"Pursuit of Happiness"

"Make Her Say"

And here's the last one, "Jam Session", which is a digital collaboration of many different artists from around the world. It is actually really amazing how crisp the blend of so many different disciplines and arts can be sometimes. The video maker gets extra credit for keeping the bar just as high on his end as the musical artists did on theirs. Tip of the hat, indeed.

Jam Session 2.0 from Cain Mosni on Vimeo.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hoist Fitness Shoot

This will be the 3rd year in a row that I have had the pleasure of working with the folks from Hoist Fitness & Groovy Like A Movie. By now, most of us know each other by first name, last name, and by some ridiculous thing we've done on set. The best part of working with the same group of clients and crew is that a certain level of coercion is always present on each of the shoots. Everyone from the producer down to the PA's are working on all cylinders the entire shoot. And without this high-intensity cooperation, the level of efficiency necessary to crank out a large-content production like this wouldn't be possible. In other words, it really pays off to surround yourself with awesome people. And it wasn't bad laughing most of the shoot, too. Here's some production photo's courtesy of Greg Smith's camera.

About Me

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Huntington Beach, CA, United States
2006 B.A. in Media, University of California, San Diego. Professionally working in Film/Video/Live since 2004.